// grab some heights
var $fullheight = $('.head').innerHeight(),
$shrinkheight = $('shrink').innerHeight(),
$menuhheight = $('main_menu').innerHeight(),
$minheight = $(window).height() + 10 + $menuhheight + $shrinkheight;
$(document).ready(function() {
// add header height as margin to body, set min-height so header can shrink without causing problems
$('body').css({ 'margin-top': $fullheight, 'min-height': $minheight });
// Back to top link
$('.backtotop').click(function () {
scrollTop: 0
}, 500);
return false;
// Responsive Menu
$(".toggle_link").click(function () {
$(".parent a").attr("aria-haspopup", "true");
$(".parent a").click(function () {
// Search
$('#search input').focus();
$('#search, #search button.close').on('click keyup', function(event) {
if (event.target == this || event.target.className == 'close' || event.keyCode == 27) {
// Style Switch
$(".switch span").click(function(){
var id = $(this).attr("id");
// adjust link here
$("#switch_style").attr("href", "/css/" + id + ".css");
if($('.articles').find('div.wrapper').length != 0){
$(window).scroll(function() {
var $shrunkheight = $('.head').innerHeight();
// shrink header on scroll
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 80) {
$('.head .row').addClass("shrink");
$('body').css({ 'margin-top': $shrunkheight });
} else{
$('.head .row').removeClass("shrink");
$('body').css({ 'margin-top': $fullheight });
// lightbox stuff
$( function(){
var activityIndicatorOn = function() {
$( '
' ).appendTo( 'body' );
activityIndicatorOff = function() {
$( '#imagelightbox-loading' ).remove();
overlayOn = function() {
$( '' ).appendTo( 'body' );
overlayOff = function() {
$( '#imagelightbox-overlay' ).remove();
closeButtonOn = function( instance ) {
$( '' ).appendTo( 'body' ).on( 'click touchend', function(){ $( this ).remove(); instance.quitImageLightbox(); return false; });
closeButtonOff = function() {
$( '#imagelightbox-close' ).remove();
captionOn = function() {
var description = $( 'a[href="' + $( '#imagelightbox' ).attr( 'src' ) + '"] img' ).attr( 'alt' );
if( description.length > 0 )
$( '' + description + '
' ).appendTo( 'body' );
captionOff = function() {
$( '#imagelightbox-caption' ).remove();
navigationOn = function( instance, selector ) {
var images = $( selector );
if( images.length ) {
var nav = $( '' );
for( var i = 0; i < images.length; i++ )
nav.append( '' );
nav.appendTo( 'body' );
nav.on( 'click touchend', function(){ return false; });
var navItems = nav.find( 'button' );
navItems.on( 'click touchend', function(){
var $this = $( this );
if( images.eq( $this.index() ).attr( 'href' ) != $( '#imagelightbox' ).attr( 'src' ) )
instance.switchImageLightbox( $this.index() );
navItems.removeClass( 'active' );
navItems.eq( $this.index() ).addClass( 'active' );
return false;
.on( 'touchend', function(){ return false; });
navigationUpdate = function( selector ) {
var items = $( '#imagelightbox-nav button' );
items.removeClass( 'active' );
items.eq( $( selector ).filter( '[href="' + $( '#imagelightbox' ).attr( 'src' ) + '"]' ).index( selector ) ).addClass( 'active' );
navigationOff = function() {
$( '#imagelightbox-nav' ).remove();
arrowsOn = function( instance, selector ) {
var $arrows = $( '' );
$arrows.appendTo( 'body' );
$arrows.on( 'click touchend', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$target = $( selector + '[href="' + $( '#imagelightbox' ).attr( 'src' ) + '"]' ),
index = $target.index( selector );
if( $this.hasClass( 'imagelightbox-arrow-left' ) ) {
index = index - 1;
if( !$( selector ).eq( index ).length )
index = $( selector ).length;
else {
index = index + 1;
if( !$( selector ).eq( index ).length )
index = 0;
instance.switchImageLightbox( index );
return false;
arrowsOff = function() {
$( '.imagelightbox-arrow' ).remove();
var selectorF = 'a[data-imagelightbox="f"]';
var instanceF = $( selectorF ).imageLightbox( {
onStart: function() { overlayOn(); closeButtonOn( instanceF ); arrowsOn( instanceF, selectorF ); },
onEnd: function() { overlayOff(); captionOff(); closeButtonOff(); arrowsOff(); activityIndicatorOff(); },
onLoadStart: function() { captionOff(); activityIndicatorOn(); },
onLoadEnd: function() { captionOn(); activityIndicatorOff(); $( '.imagelightbox-arrow' ).css( 'display', 'block' ); }