name: Tech Shotgun description: Blastin' Tech Since 2016 url: #place url gems: [jekyll-paginate] baseurl: #place folder name if site is served in subfolder permalink: /:title/ paginate: 8 paginate_path: /page/:num/ tag_dir: /tag category_dir: /category author_dir: /author author_title_prefix: 'Posted by ' media_folder: /img author_default_avatar: /profile-pic.jpg # tumblr: "#" # pinterest: "" # instagram: "" twitter: "" twitter_hand: "techshotgun" # facebook: "" # youtube: "" # vimeo: "#" # soundcloud: "" encoding: utf-8 defaults: - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: layout: "post" type: "standard" homedisplay: "featimg" markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM syntax_highlighter: rouge relative_permalinks: false exclude: [.git, .gitignore, sass, .sass-cache, package.json, gruntfile.js, node_modules,] # configurations prose: media: "img" metadata: _posts: - name: "title" field: element: "text" label: "title" - name: "layout" field: element: "select" label: "Layout" help: "display post at full width or with sidebar" options: - name: "with sidebar" value: "post" - name: "full width" value: "post_full" - name: "author" field: element: "text" label: "Author" help: "author id as defined within _data/authors.yml" type: "text" - name: "featimg" field: element: "text" label: "Featured Image" help: "featured image within the img-folder" type: "text" - name: "type" field: element: "select" label: "Post Type" help: "each type has some special feature" options: - name: "Standard" value: "standard" - name: "Image" value: "image" - name: "Gallery" value: "gallery" - name: "Audio" value: "audio" - name: "YouTube" value: "youtube" - name: "Vimeo" value: "vimeo" - name: "homedisplay" field: element: "select" label: "Home Display" help: "decide whether to display embedded element (for post types: audio, youtube, vimeo) or Featured Image on home page" options: - name: "Featured Image" value: "featimg" - name: "Embedded Element" value: "iframe" - name: "vimeo-embed" field: element: "text" label: "Vimeo Embedding Code" help: "Set post type to vimeo in order for this to work" - name: "gallery-id" field: element: "text" label: "Gallery ID" help: "ID of the gallery defined within _data/galleries.yml - use include in content to use" - name: "audio-embed" field: element: "text" label: "Audio Embedding Code" help: "Set post type to audio in order for this to work" - name: "yt-video-id" field: element: "text" label: "YouTube Video ID" help: "Set post type to youtube in order for this to work. Do not set featured image, as the youtube video thumbnail will be used" type: "text" include : ['/assets', '/assets/share-icons']